Unconditional love is our natural state of being. It is the vibration of our true self, the self that is eternal, perfect, and one with all that is. In this state of being, all is love, without any separation or conditions. Satyam Nadeen expresses on the site faculty.virginia.edu/consciousness unconditional love in the following words, “…my only definition of love is embracing whatever is, just as it is, and only because it is.”

When we are born into human form, we learn what it is like to know another type of love. This love is not boundless, but is instead tied to certain ways of being. During our experiences of this conditional love, there is a great longing that is present at the core of our being to be able to realize our true state of unconditional love once again. Love is a nutrient which we all seek, and absorbing more of this healing nutrient into our bodies, minds and hearts brings us closer to our true nature.

Our human experiences of love are essentially glimpses into the greater spiritual reality of who we are. When we “feel love,” we are experiencing the vibrational frequency of our natural state of bliss. The experience of “loving” another opens an awareness of this spiritual reality, in which the boundaries we experience as humans are not nearly so defined, as we are part of a continuous flow of energy together. The more we expand into the vibration of love, the more we have a profound experience of “loving.”

As we merge into the experience of love, we are opening our heart chakra, which is the sacred energy center of love. The heart chakra rests in the middle of the lower and upper three chakras and holds the potential for balancing all of our chakras. This allows the consciousness of our bodies, minds, emotions, and spiritual, oneness self to come together in harmonious unity. Christopher Stewart, in his article at healing.about.com entitled “Heart Chakra: Opening Your Heart’s Emotional Power to Transform,” tells us, “…the fourth chakra is the balance between your body and spirit. This chakra is the place where unconditional love is centered. Unconditional Love is a creative and powerful energy that may guide and help us through the most difficult times. This energy is available in any moment, if we turn our attention to it and use it to free us from our limits and fears.”

This course is an exploration of a cycle of love that many people on the planet experience in their lives. This is the cycle of being in oneness and unconditional love, moving into a conditional state of love as we grow into an adult human being, consciously making the choice to surrender to the path home, and finally, merging into the natural state of unconditional love once again. We begin this cycle in our spiritual consciousness, completely “in love,” and experiencing absolute divine love and bliss. In this state, we are in the flow of life, and we blend with other energies in an unlimited way. Next, we enter into the conditional reality structure that is so pervasive on this planet at this time. Through the many conditional relationships we experience with parents, teachers, lovers, and friends, we learn about limitation and begin to have a conditional experience of our own divine nature. Throughout this conditioning process, we continue to catch glimpses of our true nature, and of a more unlimited way of being. When we are able to validate these glimpses, we are naturally led back toward an experience of ourselves as the source of unconditional love on the planet. In this way, we ground our true spiritual nature in our physical experience and become truly free in our ability to live as beings of love and light.

Course Continued…

This is an excerpt from one of the 25 required master’s courses offered in the University of Metaphysical Sciences metaphysical degree program.

The course Unconditional Love is also available for individual purchase at our online store.

*Please note that courses purchased through metaphysicalsciencesstore.com are for personal interest only, and not as part of the degree program. If you are interested in pursuing your metaphysical degree, please fill out an enrollment form here.