Singing Bowl: Vibrational Healing

Vibrational Medicine: Past, Present and Future
“When all your energies are brought into harmony, your body flourishes. And when your body flourishes, your soul has a soil in which it can blossom in the world. These are the ultimate reasons for energy medicine—to prepare the soil and nurture the blossom.” —Donna Eden, “Energy Medicine”

The understanding that matter is really “condensed energetic information” has been around since before recorded history. Those who have gained their knowing directly from the source of the information, who have had the ability to tune into the vibrations of crystals, the resonance of sound, the rays of colors, the energies of Gaia, the sun, plants, animals, and the communications of non-physical beings, have throughout time used their knowledge to help others utilizing what we now commonly call vibrational medicine.

The ancient Egyptians created healing temples in which sunlight would pour through glass or quartz prisms, bathing patients in the healing rays of the color spectrum. Within these temples, they also used sound to achieve vibrational resonance. The Tibetans have used “singing bowls” for hundreds of years, using the clear tones to release stuck energies in the chakras and tune the frequencies of the energetic bodies to achieve balance and harmony. The Chinese have developed, over thousands of years, a very sophisticated system of vibrational medicine using acupuncture, moxabustion, and knowledge of the energetic “meridian” lines in the body to restore health, vitality, and free flow to the energetic system. Indigenous people all over the planet have been using very effective, time tested methods of balancing, harmonizing, and integrating energy fields for many generations, with powerful practices being used by Hawaiian, Native American, Aboriginal Australian, and Maori of New Zealand, as well as many others. Vibrational medicine is the oldest and most appropriate form of healing, because it is really about coming into harmony with all of creation, to realize our true form and potential!

Everything has a vibration. Each and every stone, star, plant, animal, human, etc., has a unique vibrational signature which is the expression of divinity within form. This planet, Gaia, is a vastly complex experiment in the balancing of millions of vibrational frequencies, to realize a harmonic state, to create “Heaven on Earth.” Within these myriad vibrational frequencies polarities exist and it is in the manifestation of polar states that all beings are challenged to become “grounded,” and continue to maintain resonance at the unique vibrational frequency that is his or her natural state.

In an essay entitled “Vibrational Therapies,” found at, vibrational medicine is defined: “Vibrational Therapy, also called Vibrational Medicine and Energy Medicine, is based on the scientific principles that all matter vibrates to a precise frequency and that by using resonant vibration, balance of matter can be restored.” This clear definition leads naturally to the understanding that the process of matching resonant vibrations to restore harmonic function is a safe and highly effective treatment for dis-ease, mental and emotional imbalance, and restoration of the vibrant health that our amazing physical systems are capable of!

Another great essay can be found at, written by Kellie Jo Conn. I really like her description of frequencies and how they translate to matter: “When we speak of vibration, we are merely using another synonym for frequency. Different frequencies of energy reflect varying rates of vibration. We know that matter and energy are two different manifestations of the same primary energetic substance of which everything in the universe is composed, including our physical and subtle bodies. The vibratory rate of this universal energy determines the density of its expression as matter. Matter which vibrates at a very low frequency is referred to as physical matter. That which vibrates at speeds exceeding light velocity is known as subtle matter. Subtle matter is as real as dense matter, its vibratory rate is simply faster. In order to therapeutically alter our subtle bodies, we must administer energy that vibrates at frequencies beyond the physical plane. Vibrational medicines contain such high-frequency subtle energies.”

Course Continued…

This is an excerpt from one of the 25 required master’s courses offered in the University of Metaphysical Sciences metaphysical degree program.

The course Vibrational Healing is also available for individual purchase at our online store.

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